The Huge Legacy of Michael Levin


The Huge Legacy of Michael Levin

May 29, 2023

The Michael Levin Base in Jerusalem’s Machane Yehuda market area is a unique home away from home for lone soldiers and those from abroad doing national service. Co- director Bonnie Rosenbaum speaks with Eve Harow about their mission and challenges; the services provided and the importance of this community for these young people who have no traditional support system of family and friends. They have an Evening of Celebration on June 20th honoring British Colonel Richard Kemp which Eve will be emceeing, and many other opportunities for involvement in a center that, in the spirit of Michael Levin z’l, punches way above its weight.

eve harow, rejuvenation, Michael Levin Base, lone soldiers, Bonnie Rosenbaum, Colonel Richard Kemp, Michael Levin z’l